Originally Posted by gene williams
Anybody who bashs the Pope and Billy Graham in the same post is [ at least ] an equal opportunity basher !

I am a great admirer of Billy Graham and read the post when it was entered . I didn't respond and this is why :

The Reverend Graham didn't change one whit because some keystrokes were made in cyberland . Neither did the Roman Catholic church , for that matter .Why would I want to give Sanlen an excuse for defending his statement about Dr. Graham ?

You can bet he has reasons sufficient to him for his views and can express them pretty eloquently,or at least better than me .A man who disdains the Pope AND Billy Graham marks himself as being pretty far out in his view of christianity .

That doesn't mean I should dis-regard everything else he has to say .Some guys think Rem 700's are better than winnies but also allow that a 30 06 is the best cartridge in existance .I don't discount both views because one of them is wrong !

Maybe I got a thicker skin than some on here , 'cause I sure do like Billy and I didn't get riled up .


You can dislike what I say, even be mad at my opinuion if you want,


None of those statements were mine. My guess right now (though I'd have to look to see) is they were all said by the same person.

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"What will you say when God asks you 'why?'"

KJ believer