A lot of the crucial choices that we face and must make are (my term) "cardinal dichotomies."

One of the first is whether you see your relationship with God as
(a) God exists to bless and to serve me
(b) I exist to obey and to please God.

(Whether God exists isn't a matter of "whether" � it's fact.)

Another is whether your first loyalty is
(a) to Jesus
(b) to the church.

If you haven't yet faced these cardinal dichotomies, you will.* And God, in His infinite wisdom and inscrutable judgement, sees fit to let everyone make his own decisions without my doing it for anyone but myself and your doing it for anyone but yourself.

As Dad often said, there's no such thing as not deciding. Postponing a decision or refusing to decide is a decision.

*(The IRS called a pastor. "Is John Jones a member of your church?" "Yes, he is." "Did he give your church ten thousand dollars?" "No, but he will." grin)

"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.