One major problem keeps me from agreeing with a lot of what you say � as I probably would if discussions of Christian facts and truths in such a lay forum were a sm�rg�sbord with all options equally and obviously valid or if the fallacious were always obviously fallacious.

The trouble is that discussions typical of those on CATC cause many to stumble, and inspire and encourage many false beliefs. I've seen this problem occur too many times � on CATC and elsewhere � for the reality and the effects of them to be debatable.

I've seen many sound statements argued in ways that attract many instead to the fallacious opposition to them,
� some times because the proponent of the Biblically sound is incapable of adequately explaining, defending, or supporting a simple, straight-forward statement of it �
� some times because the frivolous, snappy, or otherwise catchy argument of his opponent is somehow more attractive to the others who read it �
� some times because for one reason or another the sound proponent simply gives-up while the fallacious opponent continues �
� and of course some times as a result of more than one of these factors.

"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.