Originally Posted by Violator22
� my grand-Mother is a Mennonite, I have a lot of relatives that belong to the Church of Christ, I have Baptists, and myslef an my parents are Catholic. �

My father was a Methodist circuit-rider, one grandfather was Southern Baptist, and I married a Swedish Lutheran. I was at one time a Methodist pastor, preached and taught in a wide variety of denominations, once had in some of my Bible courses a prominent Catholic author (a Monsignor, no less, who often punctuated my lessons with "Amen!" and "That's right, Brother" like a good Pentecostal). I was one of the few whites getting a degree when I worked for my ThD and PhD in Biblical interpretation from a nondenominational seminary. For years, I was fully ordained by a nondenominational fellowship of independent churches.

Some of my writings have been used, internationally, by a number of other ministries. I smuggled Bibles into Saudi Arabia and taught there (not under any denominational sponsorship) an underground group of new Christians that at one count represented more than fifty countries of origin.

So when people ask me what flavor of Christian I am, I tell 'em that I'm an uncompromising scripturalist � can't think of any other label that fits and hasn't been coopted by some differently focused group or other.

"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.