I'm glad CATC was deleted. People that, "constantly" claim Christ as their Savior as a whole are the most judgemental, unforgiving, and least neighborly people I know.

I'm not talking the people that quietly walk the talk and answer religious questions succinctly and plainly when asked. I'm talking the ones that think, that force feeding their version of spirituality on you, is what you want and need, regardless of your desires or inclinations.

I will take someone, that is a Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Mormon etc. any day over the born again, I've been saved, and all religions are cults and run by Satan people, that so often seem to congregate at something like CATC.

I have a very deep faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, but I hardly ever visited CATC because of the bashing and negativity that ran rampant.