Well, we wandered into the third round today with some interesting results. Per the previous efforts a couple rounds of regular RF ammo was fired to foul the bore and verify zero, this time at 50 yards. Double bag rest, two shooters this time under sunny skies with a light breeze, temps in the high 60s to low 70s. Groups were of 5 shots each with a minor deviation which will be noted.

Fouling round fired with Wolf MT and Norma TAC, the Wolf shooting a somewhat better group. Avg 1063 fps, ES 34.

[Linked Image]

Following that was a group fired with .9 grain Red Dot, WW SPP, and averaging 1031 fps, ES 25 and Sd of 11. The stats do not include an oddball that left a bit slow at 915 fps and was the low left hole. Have no idea what went astray there, but stuff happens.

[Linked Image]

Next up was a string of .8 grain 700X. Avg 953, ES 54, Sd21.

[Linked Image]

Color me underwhelmed..........

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain