Originally Posted by Muffin
Originally Posted by DigitalDan
Well, well well......I got a package in the mail yesterday. A swage die. grin Already shot some of the bullets it spits out and they work just dandy. I'll have to try it in Muffin's gun since I sold all mine.


All mine went up in the shed fire, I'll borrow one from the neighbor.............

do I need to start making some slugs for the die????

No, but thanks. Wanker I sold the gun to couldn’t wrap his little mind around the hand loading thing. Showed him the bullets I’d cast and he said “Wow, those look like bullets! You get those at Walmart? Lead is poisonous, I won’t touch it. “ Asked where he was from and he said California. Then he asked if the gun was good out to 1,000 yds. I asked if he was related to Pelosi and it was like I’d slapped him. “Please don’t tell anyone, my neighbors would kill me if they knew. How’d you know?” Told him to take a look at his driver’s license.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain