Funny story about this project unfolded today. I visited a gunshop here in the local area, first one that I've visited since moving here that I rather enjoy. Purpose of the visit to discuss having them produce a hammer die for the bullets. It's a simple concept on the face of it though the requirement for adherence to specs is significant.

I had spoken to their machinist several weeks back and he seemed to know what I was talking about. Last week, well, not so much. So there I was in the shop with a die set for another gun (.50 Cal ML) and I put it on the counter. Young fella's eyes seemed to glaze a little.....he had never seen or heard of such a thing. Somehow we failed the younger generation I reckon.

After about 10 minutes of conversation the light went on in his mind and I could see he was hooked. He took my sketch, bullets and contact info and said he would be back in touch next week some time. We talked briefly about the project and would ya believe it, he never heard of Col. Askins either....

Oh well, I tried to save one of them today; standby for further developments. laugh

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain