Thinking I would prefer to keep it at .080". Any smaller and I'll have a minor challenge with the decapping thing. Have some brass from RMC with a flashole in the .050-.060 range for the .25-20SS and don't see any performance advantage with that cartridge compared to other brands with the conventional geometry. I can try it if you like, but no more than 5 cases in the range of .050-.060"?

Don't know for certain but suspect your point out on the concentricity issue of the bullet base might have a positive effect on things. More exercise with the mould yesterday than I care to relate, suffice to say it was an education. Never had cause to do a fine detail exam on a mould but glad I did....and it's all your fault! Thanks for that and I'll be talking to Steve Brooks about a couple of points. Will probably learn a few more things about this stuff. Yesterday's run with the mould left a fair batch with .002 RO or less, BHN in the range of 9. Don't recall if I told this tale previously, but when I opened the door to having him make the mould he put one together that was the result of salvaging a block that wasn't up to specs for the big ol' .45 cal money bullet and boring the .22 hole to one side. Funny looking thing when opened for inspection. Such was his interest in the project that he tossed in the mould free of charge with the caveat that the next one wouldn't be so cheap. Boy howdy, do I appreciate that thought. Lessons in Tedium 101 is a 5 credit course!

I have suggested as much about the nature of this before, and I want to clarify for those interested, should all the fine points get ironed out and this thing demonstrates match grade precision, it will be by virtue of having worked out the fine details along the way. Assembling the ammo is easy and fair quick and I know for a fact it will be even easier once tools are available.

Time to pop some caps before anything firm is decided in any case.


I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain