Am I the only one that thinks this has gotten completely ridiculous? When I visit someone else's house, I show some basic respect. I'm positive this isn't what Rick and Terah have in mind for the Campfire. Instead of being a place where we can come and have a respite from the rest of the crap in everyday life, we lately have a bunch of bragging, little boy doofuses trying to out-do the other doofuses.

Yeah, sure...scroll past it, ignore, whatever... In the past month the garbage has had more volume than the conversations. It gets old, for most of us I'm sure, scrolling past endless pages of drivel to find some content worth reading.

Show the site some respect, and other posters some class and maturity.

Anybody who seriously concerns themselves with the adequacy of a Big 7mm for anything we hunt here short of brown bear, is a dufus. They are mostly making shidt up. Crunch! Nite-nite!

Stolen from an erudite CF member.