I'm looking forward to hearing more reports about your new 7 wt. What is your intended use for this stick? Last time I was in TB I cast the BIIx 7 and I gotta say, at least to me, it's probably one of the standouts of the line. I balked at taking it home with me though as I already have a St. Croix 7 wt and it works for me on the rare occasions that I fish a 7. Most of the time on the streams I've got my BIIx or WT in a 5 wt in my hand...80% of the time at least. My 4 wt WT gets the nod after those two, particularly for dries or when I'm on a spring creek. When it's time to dredge the depths for hogs or I'm in a pontoon boat, the 9 1/2 6wt BIIx is my favorite. Those are the 4 green rods that I've got now and it covers most of what I'm doing.

Did you get a chance to cast any of the BIIt's? I hear really good things about that line.