BTW-Most of the upper McKenzie is 100% stocked trout. They put about 16,000 fish in there EVERY MONTH in the summer.

We go to our secret hole and cast Salmon Eggs on a 3 foot 100% fluorocarbon leader, #10 hook, and a coupe of split shot where the leader and line tie in.

We cast upstream and left the eggs drift over a ledge.

BOOM! Fish on!.

Its an Eight Fish Hole. We took 3 home (10-12 inches) landed and released three, and had two spit out the hook before landing. These are her two "Keepers".

Then we went to the range and she shot my CZ 452.

Good days,


Last edited by BMT; 08/04/09.

"The Church can and should help modern society by tirelessly insisting that the work of women in the home be recognized and respected by all in its irreplaceable value." Apostolic Exhortation On The Family, Pope John Paul II