Graduating BUD/S is a tremendous accomplishment.

One thing I would like to qualify about my last post in reference to Bosun's Mate, 2nd class in the Navy.

I think it is an honor to serve one's country. Regardless of the branch of service, regardless of MOS. No kid lays awake dreaming of becoming a barnacle scraper for the US Coast Guard, and noone ever got off the bus at Parris Island dreaming of the day he would be a supply clerk at Guantanamo Bay. A kid ought to dream big. The thing is, barnacle scrapers and supply clerks should never lie. Neither should any of the rest of us, for that matter, but in particular military veterans. To fabricate an honor so high as some of these, is a very low disgrace.

My two cents worth.

Oh, by the way, in these days and times, if I could get a 7/08 200 cheaper than a .308, you can bet a 7/08 would follow me home. Same thing Vice Versa. There ain't enough difference in them to make my spend an extra 200 bones.

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis