Originally Posted by Jeff_O

When I did feel the presence of a scope near my eyebrow was with my very first rifle, a 30-06, with the scope mounted by a "pro".

Guess where it was mounted? Guess what fixed it? Anyone?

Lemme guess, you moved it back? A scope almost bit you, so you fixed the problem by moving it closer to your eye......


So here's the thing that nobody is saying. Your stance is very wrong. I'd guess that your offhand game at moving targets with a rifle is pretty poor. Judging from the pic of your stance, your weight is waaaay to far back to have a consistent swing and follow through. Having shot a bit of trap, and a lot of offhand rifle work, I would say your stance has a bit of silhouette influence, where you are trying to support most of the rifle weight with bone stucture to minimize rifle movement.

Which brings up the next point. Anyone can pick up a rifle with the scope set too far back (as long as they know its too far back) and hit with it from a rest. Very few can use that same rifle to hit a moving target.

Originally Posted by Someone
Why pack all that messy meat out of the bush when we can just go to the grocery store where meat is made? Hell,if they sold antlers I would save so much money I could afford to go Dolphin fishing. Maybe even a baby seal safari.