Dream on, guys.

I can go Jr. High with the best of 'em when the company requires that. In this case, while going Jr. High might have been cheating a bit (elementery school would have been more fair probably), it served the purpose- which was to drag the Larry supporters out into the light to make dorks of themselves in defense of a guy postulating that .3" of wind deflection at 600 yards is meaningful.


Originally Posted by AlaskaCub
I think its great that we finally saw the real J O in full form. His childish antics have sufaced many times on many threads, but this one here has officially ruined him here on the Campfire. Laughing my azz off, and its got nothing to do with a 7mm-08 or a .308!

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two