MikeNZ was nice enough to compile a few of 'em for me, but then he dropped the ball. What plonker.

Originally Posted by MikeNZ
JO, just so you don't decide to delete or edit these when you either grow up or sober up, I thought I'd preserve these highly intelligent posts of yours.

Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Oh- some poetry for you Scott!

"There once was a man names Scott,
who was reputed to be a pretty good shot.
But though not a misser,
he was a Big Stick ass-kisser
And so, his opinion was naught!"

Originally Posted by Jeff_O
There once was a plonker named Mike,
who's brain, it appears, is on strike!
He calls others a "dick",
Which is no fancy trick,
But gets angry, when back they strike!

Originally Posted by Jeff_O
"There once was a dude called Hawk1
Who's facade, in reality, was a mock one.
It blew down one spring,
'twas a beautiful thing,
because his man Larry had lost one!"

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two