Dude... have I got something for YOU!

You owe me for this one, big time.

OK, just between two bro's, your new handle sucks. It's a problem. It's sort of.. gay, no offense meant to our alternatively-sexed brethen.

Anyway, your problem is, you can't use "Big Stick" because, well, everyone knows that guy KNOWS a lot, but he's an [bleep]. Everyone knows he gets banned from internet forums everywhere, like here. You don't want to be "that guy".

So, today, here is what I have for YOU! A new handle! And it's perfect, it fits you in every way. AND, it's a humerous clever play off your old handle. Are you ready for this...? Are you READY for this?!


.keep going....


drum roll, please....


**************** Big Schtick! ******************

Dude, it is so perfect! Like I said, you owe me.

badaboom, crash

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two