Okay Rman, if you want the sport, then get a slow action rod that has a nice bend down into the handle. You do not want a stiff butt section. I'm not up on what St. Croix offers as far as action (I think they're mostly fast IIRC), so listen to your guru that knows St. Croix rods or string em up in the shop and have someone hold the line to simulate fighting a fish. Have them shake and tug the line. The one that flexes the lowest into the butt should be what you're looking for, regardless of how long the rod is, and should feel lively in the hand when you're tussling with the smaller trout.

I agree with you on your comparison of fly rods and rifles. Heck, thinking back on all the critters I've shot over the years, probably 3/4's of them could have been shot with my first rifle, a Marlin 30-30. Most of arguing over what's best, including the original topic of this thread, is wasted air. It still always comes back to a good bullet placed in the right spot, or a good fly with the proper presentation. Those that savvy that are the ones with full freezers and stringers. In the meantime, when I'm not able to be out doing what I love, yakkin' on the internet is good entertainment.