The way the new Kimber project is going, I think I'll hit the river tomorrow afternoon. I got schitt to do Monday, and then its back to the Sweat Shop Tuesday (and I'm sure, since its straight time, we'll be working Friday.)

Good to hear the Master sorted it out for you... I don't even want to know what his shop rate is... At 3500 bucks for a stock there better be a KY pre-runner.

That reminds me... I've got one of Lee's blanks that I need to do something with. Nice piece of walnut, with lots of fiddleback. It was a "thanks for slaving your ass off" bonus when I worked for Jimmy. Conrad had just moved back into town, and we were in the process of moving the shop out to 35 when Lee showed up with his wood guy. Anyhow, Jimmy bought me a blank, even after I said "Not really my thing..."

I'm Irish...

Of course I know how to patch drywall