I'll rate that one "6th grade".

I may need to crack open a cold one and fire up the Limerick machine... Grin... If we're heading into Jr. High again, hell I'll play!

What I love on this thread is the stunned silence from the minions of Big Schtick whenever actual numbers come up, and they get reminded again (d'oh!) that name-calling and dogpiling won't change reality... Laffin'... Your guy made a tactical error, bucko's, which he could have corrected 40-odd pages ago scot-free if he had a humble bone in his body. Failing that, I guess 40-odd pages of beating the dufus at his own game has been HIGHLY amusing to me, so I'm not complaining!

Ah hell... It's friday and I just spent $1500 on hardwood flooring... I can cheat and crack a beer 10 minutes early, yeah? It's 5 o'clock somewhere <g>...

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two