Originally Posted by Big Stick


I'm VERY "surprised",that your following my every word and Splendid Pixel,ordains you as an "authority"...you "lucky" kchunt. In fairness,I BARELY have 10,000 pics saved on 'bucket/'shack and haven't depressed a shutter in decades. If only I could convey with words,just how fhuqking Magnificent your Stupidity is...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Be SURE to Re-whine. Hint.

Bless your heart.


So do you have any new schit or do you just keep coming up with the same limp dick stuff you always post? The only thing I'm surprised by is the other 6 dwarfs haven't drown your couch kchunt ass yet.

Camp is where you make it.