
Nobody comes crashing outta the closet,more often or with less fanfare than you. Congratulations?!?

Now when you cite "REAL",is it akin to how "REAL" your Imaginary Pretend Ignore is to you,or more in tune to the actual reality of your being a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit? Just curious here. Your Day Dreaming Dumbfhuqktitude and Homoerotic Fantasies,are more than a touch hilarious...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Laughing!

Your "hard charging" Goat Fhuqks are simply fhuqking HILARIOUS. Pardon actual use,in the Real World and the splendors associated. What power do you have your Reupold set to,when setting upon your Couchbound Kchunt,watching Oprah? Just how "loud" is it,when you "shoot" your Imagination? LAUGHING!

Pardon reality.

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Cheer up,that scope puked and the LW's broke. Think of all the parts and components you save,by not turning a lick. Hint. Laughing!

Bless your heart.



Your dirty laundry,is in the pants which you schit in,upon your Couchbound Kchunt. Prolly a pun there,that be intended. Congratulations?!?

How "close" didja' come to leaving the couch,taking a drive by yourself and "shooting" a schitty rifle yesterday? Ain't it a fhuqking HOOT,how something so amazingly pathetic,is beyond your trembling fingers,quivering lips and drooling yap...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Laughing!

Pardon the fact,that I actually use rifles. Hint.

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Bless your heart.



It's never been difficult to cypher,who shoots and who don't. The only thing you "shoot" is your mouth,you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

This ain't subjective...nor close. Hint. Laughing!

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Bless your heart.



Rest assured,THE last thing I'd wanna do,is steal the "thunder" and Sweet "Satisfactions" of your Imagination and it's Pretend...if only because it's ALL that you "have". Hint. Congratulations?!?

Dose of reality for you,as you set astride your Couchbound Kchunt and practice your GoogleFu Plagiarism...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. LAUGHING!

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Bless your heart.



That is plum MEAN to bait a hook in sucha' manner. Poor poor(literally) elkchunt,will undoubtedly need to bolt on a fresh Diaper,after being teased in sucha' way. Hint.(grin)

Bless her heart.



I've had EXCEPTIONAL lots of Winny brass,in 284,7WSM and even in 223. Have shot it all,from Hornet to 375H&H. Their primers have always sucked ass however.

DUMB Fhuqk Derek Peterson,STEALS The Show...in regards to THE schittiest brass I've ever seen,bought or shot. By lightyears and then some.

Bless her heart.



It is funnier than fhuqk,that the resident Coke Bottle Cuban,cannot ID same...despite 100% doing her BEST.(grin)

And she wonders "why" her "career" was sooooooo hilariously lackluster.

Bless her heart.



Not all wares are "equal",nor close and I've long been at ease in such extrapolations. The loot spent,is wayyyyyyyy more than offset by the oblivious Hilarity espoused by the Manufacturer,trying to "explain" how their "QC" "works".(grin)

As cited initially,DUMB Fhuqk Derek's best move,is to punch herself in the face,fire herself and her "team",get some talent in there and dump loot into Tooling. That way Daddy's jingle has a chance to recoup and maybe even flourish. She's wayyyyyy too fhuqking STUPID,to "know" that "much".

Bless her heart.



The only thing elkchunt is gonna "find",is schit in her diaper,drool on her bib and her kchunt bolted to the couch.

In no fhuqking particular order.


Bless her heart.



The LAST thing I'd wanna suffer,is more of Peterson's exceedingly fhuqking schitty wares,which was cited plainly...though well beyond your "perception". Hint. Congratulations?!?

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I'd not wanna slight the magnitude of Derek THE Dumb Fhuqk's Lies,nor her Insecurities and the magnitude of Schittiness associated with her happily making The World's Schittiest Fhuqk Brass. VERY fhuqking funny schit and upon multiple levels(all beyond your "comprehension"). Hint.

Simply put,Peterson would have to purchase another Manufacturer's brass and package it in their parcels,to "remedy" that which is beyond their "abilities" to craft in the first place. Read that again. Now one more time. Hint.

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You Drooling CLUELESS fhuqks are a HOOT!

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."