Is absolutely THE worst schit,I've ever fhuqking seen,shot or bought...though on the brightside,the owner is a MAGNIFICENTLY Whining Kchunt and a straight up CLUELESS Fhuqk.

1000 words and in extrapolation to it's fhuqking HILARIOUS "QC". Looks like a Retarded Monkey was Smoking Crack in the dark and punching flash holes with an ice pick. Nothing CLOSE to centered,round or concentric. Hint.

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Their claim.

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The Whining reply.

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Summation and for some reason,it got silent. Laughing!

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Pics of course accompanied the transcript and you could run fast enough to catch me,in order to hand me the fhuqking SCHIT for free.


You've been led to water.

Thank me later,pass the Alpha and hold the Fluff....................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."