
I'm as at ease in making objective critiques with crystalline clarity,as you are in the sanctity of licking windows and peering in from the outside. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



Sweetheart...you didn't roll your eyes,you had a fhuqking Seizure and it wasn't your ass you were looking at,it was your Old Lady's face. Though on the brightside,you "lucky" kchunt,it WILL happen again. Congratulations?!?

You might wanna set up both motion detecting and time lapse cameras at the couch,so you can revel in the SWEET "Satisfactions" that will be ALL your's,if/when you actually move from it. You'll wanna wipe the drool offa your maw,as it is unbecoming. Hint.

Bless your heart.



Elkchunt worked for Peterson as head of their "QC",running the Flash Hole "Drilling" Operations...but she kept having Seizures and when she was on the way to the deck,she'd get one concentric and it would Emergency Shut Down Operations,so they had to fire her...after making (3) straight ones over the course of time. That trio of brass,GREATLY exceeded Peterson's "abilities". LAUGHING!

Peterson HILARITY,will never fhuqking wane.

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What an AMAZING assembly of CLUELESS Drooling DUMB Fhuqks,making absolute Dog Schit "products"...what were the "odds"?!?

Bless their hearts.


(Addendum: for another Hemisphere)


Flocks of needy followers flock at my heels,every moment,of every fhuqking day...if only obviously. None of whom can begin to muster anything resembling a First Fhuqking Clue,which only obliviously adds to the Hilarity,as you just "happen" to quantify. Imitation,just "happens" to be THE most Sincere form of Flattery and my powers are simply without equal. Them seeds are so firmly rooted,in soooooo many heads,that it defies description and count. Congratulations?!?

The astute simply take the findings to the Bank and Whining CLUELESS Fhuqks,will ALWAYS find reason(s) to Whine. Pardon my being afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess and often swamping Manufacturers with a herd of eager Customers,who are well ahead of the curve. Hint.

Never been difficult to cypher,who shoots and who don't. hint.

I've seen a "bit" of brass over the years.

That is what we in da' bidness,call a GROSS Fhuqking Understatement and why you get to marvel at the pics, and nod your head like you "understand". Please find me "mistaken",I ASSURE you,it will be funnier than fhuqk. Hint.

Just sayin'.


Bless your heart.

GOOD Talk.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."