Oh my...The Do NOTHING Gang is in FULL Estrogen Surge! Congratulations?!?

Derek,lemme tell you a leetle "secret". Noone can "make" you out to be a more STUPID Fhuqk or Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit than you can,by simply doing your
"best". I'm more than happy to provide all of the slack on the rope,that you "think" you can "handle". You are really doing a "GREAT" job thus far. LAUGHING!

The fhuqking HILARIOUS constant,of "all" that "QC" and "tooling". LAUGHING!

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Pardon my being at ease in sandbagging,as you are in talking out your ass. Perhaps I have "heard" of Alpha,amongst a plethora of others,in a myriad extrapolation of Makes/Chamberings? Feel free to swoon the Sweet "Satisfactions",of the brass wearing your name,being the absolute WORST fhuqking schit I've ever seen...which is more than a touch "impressive". Hint. Laughing!

I'm unfamiliar with the website,you tried to dangle a picture of.

What was the "odds" of Drooling DUMB Fhuqks being devoid the 17 IQ Points requisite,to see Peterson's fhuqking hilarious attempt at brass buildin',ala poignant peectures?!? I'm fairly certain,that the point is/was,that it needn't a 1D4 wearing a beloved 35mm 1.4 ART and 'tubes,gunned into a soft box with a couple/few 600's tossing diffused light at the Schit Show,in order to convey the EPIC Goat Fhuqktitude. But alas,them thangs was far from requisite,to paint the picture. pun be intended. Hint. LAUGHING!

Splendid Pixels is easily arranged,for them with the talent,eye and riggin'...AKA the constants in which The Do NOTHING Gang is remiss. Fortunately for them,Imagination and Pretend are free,so they can "afford" to gawk the splendors of others and read about same,the "lucky" kchunts. Hint. Laughing!

Nice to splendidly mix up ambient light,focus and DOF(literally). Time for a Thesaurus Google,so you gals can nod heads in unison,like you "understand". Hint. Laughing!

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Hmmmm...I don't really expect that "much" Mail this week. Been wanting to try some Alpha brass,so ordered some to see WTF it's about,because their website looks good. CameraLand claimed last week,that my Phantom Geovids would ship last Friday...but as per their usual,there is no communication and I remain dubious,as it's been multiple months of the same claim. Pretty funny! Bushie says my failed LRHSi 4.5-18x will ship this week,but like CameraLand,I've heard that one before. If memory serves(and it never don't not),there should be a new Seex Kreedmire two. That of course,amongst various other mainstay consumables.

Have never even seen a belted case,let alone fired one or owned one either...let alone worn more than a few rifles out. Laughing!

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Unfortunately,I've never even seen a Bear or a Caribou either. I'd think that would be sorta neat,though farrrrrrr outta reach. Laughing!

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Did I mention being a Fan,of Blued/Walnut? LOVE that schit. Laughing!

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I've never seen Peterson brass...so cain't comment. Though I do hear good thangs,if'n you blow on 'em just so. Laughing!

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Pardon the Splendid Pixels bitches,as you gawk from your couchbound kchunts and TRY to "convince" yourselves...that you "could too". Everyone "knows" a Cutter. LAUGHING!

Bless your hearts...you AMAZINGLY Inept Stupid Fhuqks.

Wow +P++!

BEST fhuqking Thread evah!


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."