
Certainly anyone/everyone can attempt to participate and it's never not fhuqking HILARIOUS,to allow Texans to try. They'll reliably dangle exceptionally schitty pics,skirt all thangs germane and obliviously espouse their sheer and utter fhuqking CLUELESSNESS. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



It'll come as a "surprise" only to you,that you are the only one who cain't know what Coke Bottles are,despite sporting same...you "lucky" kchunt. Congratulations?!?

That was a VERY encouraging "firsthand" "accounting" of your "experience" with Peterson brass. Your "exciting" Couchbound Chronicles,are spellbinding in their "hard charging" resolve and the pics never disappoint. You poor poor STUPID Fhuqk! Hint. LAUGHING!

Don't "forget" you "can't read" this,due the decree of your Imaginary Pretend Ignore,you Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit. Hint.

Bless your heart.



You NEVER disappoint,with your MAGNIFICENT Fhuqking Stupidity! Congratulations?!?

I VERY much enjoy the FACT,that pics and videos are too much for your crossed eyes and 17 IQ Points to process. LAUGHING!

All that I needed to "do",was simply open the box and gawk the Schitty Peterson brass,to get an immediate read on "quality",which took about halfa nano-second. Hint. Am enjoying the fact,that you are still stumped! HOW does someone even as STUPID as you,fhuqk something like that up?!? Laughing!

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[Linked Image]

I'm happy to provide slack on the rope and let your version of "knowledge","experience" and "results"...work their "magic",you CLUELESS Drooling DUMB Fhuqk.

Bless your heart.



How "close" didja' come yesterday,to getting offa the couch...you "lucky" kchunt? Congratulations?!?

Purty big day for you,to look at a vehicle you can't operate,schitty rifles you can't shoot and that big box of Depends,you KNOW you are going to need. Be sure to spill your guts,once that front door swings open and you attempt to leave the confines of the couch. Until then,keep the GoogleFu brewin' and plagiarize as you MUST,while "living" vicariously.

Few days ago,if only to fuel the fire of your imagination and it's Pretend. LAUGHING!

Only (2) Bears in this frame,both downstream. Nod your head,like you were "there". Smell the salt air? Hear that ripplin' water and feeshes cascading same? Nope?!? I'm "surprised". Wipe the drool,it's unbecoming. Hint. Laughing!

[Linked Image]

Bless your heart.



You WHINING Fhuqking Kchunt and Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit...I'm groovin' on your Emotional Breakdown. Congratulations?!?

I'm rather at ease in the Facts,as you get yet another Estrogen Transfusion,you poor poor(literally),melting Snowflake. Hint.

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All I need to supply you,is slack on the rope,so you can Lie out your ass and "explain" your version of "quality". Hint.


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Personally,I appreciate your Delusional Dumbfhuqktitude and Secret Squirrel "Conspiracy",that simply entailed my opening a parcel of your schitty brass and calling it what it is. Rest ASSURED,nobody can "make" you appear to be a bigger piece of Lying Schiut than you can,by waxing eloquent upon your very WELL founded Insecurities and "explaining" your version of "QC". I'm fhuqking LOVING it!!!

Bless your heart.



Peterson is a GREAT place(the best),to shop for laughs and grant them opportunity to "explain" same.

Derek hits the sauce in the evening and really goes for the throat,with all 13 of her IQ Points "unleashed". LAUGHING!

Bless her heart.



They are as shipped,which only adds to her chagrin,as she feverishly concocts outright HILARIOUS Lies,to "explain" same.

Fhuqking EPIC Hilarity!

Bless her heart.



Don't be too hard on her...as Daddy and Uncle undoubtedly are used to her shortcomings and Incredible STUPIDITY.

Bless her heart.



PLEASE tell me you are fhuqking STUPID enough,to "believe" the brass illustrated,is in any other condition than that which it arrived. PLEASE!!!

Oh my...you Do NOTHING Dumbfhuqks are a hoot!

Bless your heart.



Be SURE to be a "trend setter" and lick a few light sockets,put your head in a vise AND buy some Peterson brass. Congratulations?!?

PLEASE provide pics. Hint. Laughing!

Bless your heart.



Do NOT spook the fhuqking Feesh Hole...Derek is doing "GREAT".(grin)

She do not realize,that she is smearing herself and it is simply fhuqking MAGNIFICENT,in all aspects!

Bless her heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."