
How many times do you think about me a day...you lucky kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Are you gonna come REAL "close" to leaving the couch with your diaper wrapped kchunt today,"hop" in your Soccer Mom Bitch Mobile and "drive" yourself,so you can "shoot" a schitty rifle Today? Didn't think so. But at least Imagination and Pretend are free,so you can "afford" to contribute,as you "live" vicariously. Hint. LAUGHING!

Pardon the splendors,it's how I roll.

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Bless your heart.


THE Peckerpole Princess,

I very MUCH enjoyed the Blue Deer "picture". What sorta camera equipment,does your "vocation" "enable" you to "acquire"...you "lucky" kchunt? HINT. Congratulations?!?

I'm unfamiliar with that knife Manufacturer. Hint.


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Never shifts zero. Hint. Laughing!

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When it rains...it POURS. Hint. Laughing!

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You "hard chargers" REALLY "get after it" and "know" your "stuff",you AMAZINGLY Stupid Fhuqk. Hint.

Bless your heart.



I got permission at a Tender Age,to cite facts...even to them who are unsettled by same.(grin)



It's your Imagination,Pretend with it as you MUST,if only because it's all that you "have"...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Shoot for the fhuqking stars and I'll be rather at ease,in rubbing your nose in your own STUPIDITY. Pardon in advance,that I'll make it look easy,if only because it is...for me. Hint. Two dogs wortha' Dare. LAUGHING!

You Whining Kchunts are a fhuqking Hoot!

Bless your heart.



Facts are facts and pardon their being unsettling to Snowflake's as a whole and you in particular...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

I "likely" procure more than a "few" wares,from more than a "few" Vendors and just like everything else,not all Vendors are the same. CL simply dropped the ball time and again,are horrible with communication and never shot me straight until the culmination after multiple months of having my money in their hands. Schit happens,I get it...but NOT schit like that. Hint.

Hell...PPU Beeg Frame Krunchenticker Disposable Brass soundly TRUMPS Derek THE Dumb Fhuqk's "offering" and feel free to ask me how I KNOW. Hint. Laughing!

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Time is money and I'm done with the CL Shenanigans and simply couldn't sway others,to attempt fate through said Vendor,because there are too many that shoot straight and reliably. None of which is subjective. Hint.

Your AMAZING Dumbfhuqktitude never disappoints,in it's oblivious grandeur!

Bless your heart.


Peckerpole Princess,

Alpha simply has no peer,none of which is "subjective". I enjoy your convoluted "Secret Squirrel" fhuqking STUPIDITY,as you try to attain your FIRST Fhuqking Clue while talking out your ass...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

I shoot it all and then some(if only obviously). It's never been difficult to cypher who shoots and who don't...but at least you get to read about it and gawk the Splendid Pixels. Feel free to "convince" yourself,that you don't. Hint. LAUGHING!

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What do you "do" for a "living" again,with all of your "knowledge","experience" and "results"? Must be plum handy for you,to cash "paychecks" at 7-11? Hint. LAUGHING!

Bless your heart for trying.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."