
You Whining Clueless Fhuqk...like you've ever been Outdoors! Congratulations?!?

Mebbe wax eloquent on the Sweet "Satisfactions",of always being on the outside looking in and defining exactly what a window tastes like,when you lick it...you "lucky" kchunt.

Pardon actual use,reliably arranging Reality to collide with your fantasy. Hint. Laughing!

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You'd need a cosigner for the scope caps.


Bless your heart.



Compelling as per always and DO tell how "close" you came to leaving the couch with your diaper wrapped kchunt,"hopping" in your Soccer Mom Bitch Mobile and actually "shooting" a rifle...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Never heard of said chambering,if only because I've never even shot a 25cal. Hint.


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You poor poor(literally) Clueless Fhuqk. Wipe the drool away,it is rather unbecoming.


Bless your heart.



VERY much enjoyed the echo,of your Retardation bouncing around inside your empty head! Congratulations?!?

You Amazingly Tender STUPID Fhuqks are a hoot,you "lucky" kchunt! Hint. Laughing!

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Looking forward to your next Whine.
Bless your heart.


Peckerpole Princess,

Do tell about the "satisfactions" of Dinkly "conquests" and hopping someone else's fence..you "lucky" kchunt. Congratulations?!? LAUGHING!

Nothing like rolling steaks around in the fhuqking mud and "flaunting" a schit knife,you AMAZINGLY Inept Clueless Fhuqk! Whattya' "do" for a "living" again? LAUGHING!

Bless your heart.



There's no reason to let the Estrogen Surge carry you away,but it IS fhuqking hilarious,that you cannot escape that constant...you "lucky" kchunt! Congratulations?!?

The only thing you could comment upon in the first hand,is in regards to what it is like to be THE Dumbest Fhuqk in the room and every time. What does a Greek "do" for a "living"? HINT. Laughing!

Bless your heart.



I enjoy drab.(grin)

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Exceptional Specimens,just love to pose for Splendid Pixels!

To the chagrin of Snowflakes everywhere!............


Perhaps you can suck enough ass,to get Derek THE Dumb Fhuqk to send you some free Dog Schit,so you could see some in the first hand...you "lucky" kchunt? Hint. Congratulations?!?

You Melting Snowflakes are a RIOT!

Bless your heart.



I'm rather at ease,in supplying slack on the rope and granting CLUELESS Fhuqks opportunity,to obliviously quantify their Stupidity.

Just don't go spookin' the hole.



I saw a wet knife and damp rifle.





It's only "fair" to grant CLUELESS Fhuqks opportunity,to showcase their very WELL founded Insecurities,in conjunction with their unmatched Stupidity.

Funny schit and I mean fhuqking FUNNY!

Bless their hearts.



Give a shout,when your kchunt leaves the couch and do not "forget" your version of "pictures". Hint. Congratulations?!?

You MAGNIFICENT Whining Kchunt. Hint.

Bless your heart.



I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that your wanton Man Lust,bolsters your Homoerotic Tendencies...you "lucky" kchunt. Congratulations?!?

Feel free to hop back in the closet. Hint.

Bless your heart.


THE Peckerpole Princess,

Do NOT "forget",that Imitation is THE most Sincere form of Flattery. Them who cain't,simply plagiarize,mimic and tease themselves with delusional aspirations...you "lucky" kchunt. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



I'm VERY "surprised",that your following my every word and Splendid Pixel,ordains you as an "authority"...you "lucky" kchunt. In fairness,I BARELY have 10,000 pics saved on 'bucket/'shack and haven't depressed a shutter in decades. If only I could convey with words,just how fhuqking Magnificent your Stupidity is...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Be SURE to Re-whine. Hint.

Bless your heart.



NOBODY can insult you Amazingly STUPID Fhuqks better than you gals can,by simply doing your BEST. Hint. Congratulations?!?

I do enjoy how heartfelt your Whine is...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint.

Bless your heart.



It's "like" an Elk,just a whole fhuqk of a LOT smaller and you know that was mean!(grin)

Bless her fence hoppin' heart.



The LAST thing I'd wanna do,is to deprive you of your Imagination or it's Pretend...if only because it is all that you "have",you "lucky" kchunt. Hint.

When you go on a GOOD(as opposed to "normal") GoogleFu Plagiarism Tear,just how do you go about "all" that "work"? It must be VERY "satisfying" for you. Hint. LAUGHING!

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."