I had a beat up standard 742..........that had some bolt rail chew, but not much.

It ran fine.

Big dude wanted to buy it, sold for what I had in it.........and it jammed on him. Same ammo I ran (sold him that with the gun).
Super nice guy.........and super fat.

I met him at the range and ran the mag dry without issue. It'd jam every other shot for him.

He weighed twice what I did.

That gun also did not shift any real amount cold to hot bbl.
After he saw me run it flawless, he refused to sell it back.

Looked crappy. Best 742 I had of the three.

Problem is, most are beat up (in '06) and if so, it's just gonna get worse (eventually). I dunno what running 150's only, in a minty one............what the life expectancy would be.

Less # of bolt lugs, larger ones at that.......maybe even something else to stop over rotation in recoil...........I dunno. A 7400 is still a possible toy for me.