
Fyi, a LARGE percentage of executors couldn't care less what caliber that a rifle is (I get most of my rifles that way or from garage sales.) AND anything but "naught six" is deemed "worthless" by a considerable percentage of hunters here.

I got my .222 & .280 REM Model 760 rifles "for peanuts" at garage sales, as "You can't hardly find shells for those weird things."
(Fyi, even the pawnbroker that I bought my "as new" 760 in .244REM, said, "I don't know what you want that thing for. I can't find ammunition for it." = He sold it to me for 60 bucks, in 1966.)

Btw, my niece, TARA, borrowed the .244 until I got tired & told her to "Just keep it", about a decade ago. - She gets her deer with that "oddball caliber" more often than I do. = BORN HUNTRESS, is our Tara.
(She calls it: "PURR-fectly GIRL-sized".)

yours, tex


William Barrett Travis, Lt.Col., comdt.
Fortress of The Alamo, Bejar
F'by 24, 1836