Everyday I get out of bed, Trudeau takes another leap toward delivering our Country up to the reality of a one World Governance, not just a concept anymore.

About 40 years ago, a brilliant long gone friend said to me that he figured Trudeau could be the antichrist, we laughed because it was funny, but he could be right, he just had the wrong Trudeau because he was referring to his Dad, Pierre.

Either way, it is becoming more clear everyday how our populace can be manipulated by just a few at the top, or in this case, one person if left unchecked can do alot of damage.

An example of this can be found in how our Citizenry has been divided into 3 categories, Native, Country born, and recent immigrants. It was interesting timing on the announcement of 40 billion for Natives, they won't rock the boat and risk losing that gravy train, at the same time they get to hand over scads of cash to a People who are fas, drugged, and zero money handling skills, so its a win win for the man.

The silence from the Native community is alarming, not a peep from those who have stated an age long mistrust of Government, they are also the most anti vax group in the Country, by far, yet total silence on the entire subject. They don't rely on working to put food on the table either, so they have been bought in a number of different ways.

Inflation is going to be a tough one for some families, and Trudeau is 100% responsible for all of it.