The protest I attended yesterday was about the same amount of people as last weekend, so 500+.
From what I can tell, there is a growing support among Citizens to drop the mandates and that we have been led down the garden path, basically, the party is over for the left wing Commie's.

There were three counter protestors who had the courage to wander the crowd, the one guy was taking pleasure in telling people to just F*** off, lol.

I overheard a gentleman explain to his kids why they were there, it made me think of my now grown Son who was with me attending the rally for the same reason, it causes me to reflect. Then I hear my Son saying thank you to the Sikh truck drivers who stop in front of us, he says thank you in Punjabi, which also causes me to reflect on the fine people our Country has attracted.
I am going to attend a community meeting in a few minutes, the community is a rural one so I cant wait to hear what the skinny is there. Hardly anyone around here is Vaccinated, so many lives have been detoured or ruined altogether, it has shaped my view considerably because of that.