What separates the US and Canada is that in the US we can address our grievances because we have two cultures in the US; namely a constitutional republic and a multi cultural democracy. A. Constitutional republic has always allowed political protests to allow the citizens to address our grievances. Of course the govt was often heavy handed but our judicial branch and our laws eventually addressed that. Im hoping that will happen with the Jan 6 protests but maybe I’ll be wrong.

We have a time honored system of culturally accepted political protests which obviously were sometimes violent but essential in a constitutional republic to ensure the importance of individual rights. We’ve always had both sides of the political spectrum being able to address an overly heavy handed government. Unfortunately Canada has only a multi cultural democracy ( Canada nice) which is obviously similar to a European political and cultural system. In this type of political culture there is no redress to a heavy handed fascistic government and the destruction of individual rights whether it be from First Nations, Christian churches or Blm . It’s interesting to note how the parliamentary system works in Canada and how in this type of political system there is no way to aggressively address a change and morphology into facism. Just my opinion that were witnessing that now. Seizing bank account now of supporters of the freedom protest is very disconcerting I think.

Appears that are zero checks in the Canadian political system that would prevent a full blown transition into facism where individuals have no civil rights. Something else missing in Canada is the strong presence of of non legacy media that can criticize the fascistic government. I see now that impartail journalists in Canada are being threatened with incarceration.

I’m not gloating as I have strong ties to Canada but I always thought it was a bit unusual traveling to Canada the past 50 years and wondering how long such a political system would last and I have the first hand experience working and living in Europe and communist countries.

I wish all the best for Canadians in these troubling times. Upsetting to witness what is happening

Last edited by ribka; 02/21/22.