Pat king is a wild card. He’s emotionally volatile and quite egotistical. Due to his unpredictable nature, most of us want nothing to do with him including the “Freedom convoy” organizers. He would be my top pick for first person to cause trouble if provoked by police.

I believe the flag should be flown right side up now. We were a nation divided and in distress when we first left our homes. As we drove across the nation from all directions and met in Ottawa we started to see a unification of the people. We have now seen the world starting to heal and unify in a common cause. I have seen videos of our flag been flown around the world and because of this we have reason to fly our flag right side up now. We still have a long way to go in our healing process not only as Canadians but of all citizens of this world. I believe this is now a Freedom celebration along with a peaceful protest. The convoy ended when we parked.

Ultimately you as an individual need to make the decision of which way you believe the flag should be flown. Are we still in distress or do we turn it right side up as we celebrate taking back our freedom?

Pitter Patter!