Originally Posted by RUM7
It all has to do with the campfire.

Most guys here want a fun campfire. Drink some beers, shoot the scheit, bust some balls and share hunting stories and pics.

Some must sit around their campfires in tweed coats and top hats. Talking about world history, loading their fine tobacco into pipes and discuss the current situation in world politics. Talk about how awful the younger generations are ect.....

Some have obviously never sat around any campfire except a propane fired one from home depot. Definitely in a "safe" urban environment.

And then there are the sock puppets who have only sat around the fire on the yule log channel during the holidays.
Hate to get too far from CNN and MSN.

And then there are those from California....

Padded VA Hospital Rooms for $1000 Alex

Originally Posted by renegade50
My ignoree,s will never be Rock Stars on 24 hr campfire.....Like me!!!!

What are psychotic puppet hunters?