Originally Posted by RUM7
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Future Deer Slayer

Hey manπŸ‘ Im not saying any of this to be a azz at all.
Your his dad not me, and I dont want you to take offense at all by what I'm gonna post in this, cause you are a solid cat.
I hope you understand it.

Just wanta help cause a young kid starting archery is awesome !!!!

coach him to open up his grip into a V without the thumb and fingers around the grip. Coach him into having the pressure going into the web area between his thumb and index finger.
Let bow fall forward a little after the shot.
He will instinctively "recover" the bow after the arrow is on it's way
It ain't gonna fall out of his hand.
It's also more than likely why he is possibly getting string slap cause his inner fore arm is flexed inward from his current grip.
Allow him to wear arm gaurd while developing the open grip.
Right now he might be getting hard slap which he should feel.
Or even light brush slap which you want to eliminate as acceptable in his muscle memory and mental game.
Go to a thin cloth sleeve one over a period of time.
I wore a cloth one till they day I gave up archery.
Small mental thing for confidence .
We all have had string slap it sucks.
And it is the result from bad form and torque into the bow.
Mental, muscle memory, and form game
It all blends into one.

IMO his grip right now is torquing the bow and that is why his shots are going low right.

Intially he will think he is gonna drop the bow.
But he will get muscle memory from practice.
I bet a small kisser button would help him out too with a 3rd anchor point for consistency.
Corner of lip.
Has he got a back of hand knuckle spot muscle memory anchor point he can describe
Most archers is the index knuckle somewhere below the cheek bone
My 3rd was tip of my nose , but peoples structure are different
Another thing is his grip on the release.

It looks like he has a hold on that also causing torque also with his fingers holding the barrel of the release.
That is also causing torque on the bow at the string.
Coach him into drawing and holding with out fingers gripping the barrel of it.
Or he can draw with fingers on it and then open up his fingers and thumb off it at full draw.
Tell him the release will hold all force and that it is in his mind he feels the need to secure it.
Basically the release should be free of rear influence torque also.

I'm just trying to be helpful man and not one bit critical or D baggish at all.
I started shooting a bow at age 8 in 1971 and hung up archery in 2007.
Had some good coaching from people at times when I was young and that carried forward with me as tech progressed.
Muscle memory is super important to build and sometimes a 2nd or 3rd set of eyeballs watching a archer shoot can see stuff that improves a persons form and muscle memory.
Archery is 85 90 % mental muscle memory and knowing the right "form feel" at draw before releasing the shot.

If he gains good muscle memory with his anchors and can reduce torque into the bow.
I'm 99% sure you and him will see improvement.
It's gonna get exspensive for you if he gets really good and starts stripping fetching, shattering knocks, even the occasional robin hood when shooting groups for practice.

Get that boy of yours to the point of 1 shot and make the walk practice and repeat is the goal.

Never let him leave a practice session on a bad shot.
Watch his practice sessions to see that and dont allow him to keep on shooting if he is losing accuracy and getting tired.
Explain that walk away on a good shot in the mind factor for confidence and 0 doubt in his mind about it.
Cause that 1st shot the next session needs confidence in it and 0 doubt from the previous practice residually in his mind.
Mental game stuff is big with a bow, just like consistent form.

And emphasize that 1st shot of the day is the most important during practice and how it is the supreme shot hunting.
And how it is all attained thru muscle memory.
Dont Harp on the 1st shot vocally to him before a practice session.
Just say
OK 1st shot pick a spot and let the the arrow go.

Just something simple and no pressure.

I wish I had a son like many of you guys do.
Have 3 daughters and have 0 regrets.
But it woulda been cool to have had a boy also.

Once again I am not being a dick from writing all of this at all.
Just trying to lend another set of eyeballs and some input to try and help.

I cant help it man.
It's the teach, coach, and mentor thing built into me from being one of unca suga,s goons for so long.


Last edited by renegade50; 10/21/22.