Originally Posted by renegade50

I even gave you hints yesteday you could have picked up on in my post.
That might have given you a inclination what I was doing to you.

How many times have I lured D bags and sockpuppet scumballs,s into traps over the years up here that are just too irresistible to them.
One can always can find things near and dear to most people's core to exploit.
And if ya got a soft heart instead of a hard one, it just makes it easier for someone else to use that against you...

Think about that...


I recall sending you pm last spring asking if you wanted to meet up for cup of coffee when I was coming through Clarksville on my way to check out my hunting spot just over the Kentucky line and you declined.

Reading some of your posts then I thought you were a funny guy....

Ps....don't think you baited me anywhere.