4+ mike hike, found a few chanterelles... last hike with my kid before she packs off to another hemisphere (!)... managed to slip crossing a creek like a dumbass and re-re-re-tweaked my knee but it was at the beginning of the hike, and it "walked off", more or less. It's the back of the knee, interior tendon area. It's minor, damn it, but since the knee bone is connected to the hip bone, etc, the whole dang leg ain't right. Aches.

Rain hits tomorrow and it's time to get to work... I have this notion of integrating sessions on the hamster wheel into my workflow out there. The work itself tends to be so engaging and process-oriented that I get sucked in and the day flies by, which is nice, other than the standing still on concrete all day part. 30 minutes of aerobic spinning would be an awesome thing to break up the day with. Gonna try.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two