Originally Posted by Cascade
Another 65 mile bicycle ride yesterday. Not bad for a 62 year old with a 30 year old riding buddy. I'll take it. Been kinda remiss on getting to the gym lately though. Cycling somehow seems more important & more fun right now.

Keep on truckin' all! We're just competing against ourselves, until hunting season hits. Then it's The Ridge I'm working against.

Have to admit, I surely do feel good when I'm in decent condition.


Yep! Got two premium backpack hunts I've got a shot at this year. I have enough points, probably, for a Hells Canyon bull elk tag. Maybe get flown in to Lord Flats then go from there? Then a lesser but still real chance at another Steens deer tag.

65 miles is a respectable ride at any age! Any issues in your knees when you bag big miles? Any IT band issues towards the end of rides?

I did a 1-1/2 hour mountain bike ride today. It was hard. The steepest sections were full granny-gear but they were so long I couldn't stay sitting. Standing up is key for hard climbing for me on my road bike. When I'd stand up climbing these steep old dirt roads I'd lose traction on the rear wheel (from unweighting it) and it'd spin out on me. I'd kinda forgotten about that.

I also need to decide if I want to stay with flat pedals or go with one of the MTB shoe/clips setups. I'd rather stay flat pedals but I think being clipped in would help on the steep climbs by smoothing out the power at the wheel? Either that or I'll spin out and fall over from being clipped in... only half joking... smile

Also got a creak in the bottom bracket or maybe a pedal that I need to chase down. But in general the bike is great so far. Those huge 29" tires and front air shock and relaxed "rake" make it really stable and predictable going downhill. I didn't have the guts to do a 2-wheel drift yet but I was tempted.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two