Originally Posted by irfubar
Ooooh Beav, now you gone and done it! JellO gonna hit you with the ignore hammer..... ha

Those sound like really nice builds.... hope you didn't paint the stocks yourself? ........ that was mean sorry brother...... smile

Yes, Brother, I specifically left off my Vincent Van Gogh black and silver stock of terror, hoping no one would remember. Alas, your memory is sound and painful. The 20 practical build lands next week as well. I will slap the newly contoured barrel into my furniture masterpiece and Rock On slaying small vermin at 4300 fps.

My ass hurts from the hill setting on my climber. Nothing compared to the rubber dong thrashing Jeffrey’s anus enjoys while spouting off his utopia of socialism...Carry on all who work hard to improve themselves with vigorous workouts...Age is our enemy-So is Jeffo 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”