Hint...Your ridiculous offer to shoot together wasn’t even an option...I hunt and shoot with people I like, respect, and trust with a firearm around me.

You’re apparently in such a low place or addled by drugs and without friends, that you’d want to shoot with someone who neither likes or respects you...

Here’s your win Jeffey: You are a waaay better shot and hunter than I will ever be...You are amazing!

Now, you have plenty of time to peruse my past post to locate many pics of me should you see me on a boat ramp one day. I’m sure you’d want to say hello...😎

Work out room is good enough to get arms and legs in tomorrow. Need to hit the hardware store for heavy duty brackets to hang my 6’x3’ mirror on the wall.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”