The two groups of elk I got into, in both cases I was on crunchy frozen ground and it was over before it began. They skedaddled before I saw them, when I was 80-100 yards away. They say a cow call can help; the elk might tolerate the noise if they think it's another elk. Dunno. Skeptical.

My bleepin' heel has improved but I seem to have reached a plateau of sorts. Still limping, can't really put power through it though at least now I can pretend...... can push lightly... Hoping to at least go for a walk this weekend but I'm not gonna until I can walk normally because all this walking ABnormally is really taking a toll on my other pieces 'n parts. I'd love to see imaging of the damage but I'm too cheap to pay for it since it doesn't really matter anyway.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two