I did 5x5 for a couple of months; started light made some good gains, but eventually the gains were gone. I've since gone to Wendler (5/3/1) and it clicks with me better, probably the fact the reps vary (week one is 5/5/5+, week two 3/3/3+ and week three 5/3/1+) and less sets- everyone is different and 5x5 is definitely worth giving a shot, just didn't work for me in the long run

7 miles on my backcountry skis, had to pack the skis in about a 1/2 mile as it was all ice. Then had to get a little creative with my route as it would frequently go from lots of snow, to almost no snow. Also chickened out a couple of times on steep descents- just not that good of skier sadly.

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