Originally Posted by wareagle700
Just wanted to give this a bump for those feeling confident in their gear.


700, I vote to close the thread while I still have good standing in the rankings and my ego in tact. Thanks sir whistle

Seriously tho, and I'm not talking shiyut to anybody.... but it is interesting how often you hear about rifles that can do the proverbial 1" all day. But when a test like this comes along lots of shooters get quiet.
This is the first time I've done two tens to see what's what and its light years apart from hittin that .300 group from your best bolt gun and feeling smug about it.
My biggest question is I feel I'm doing a pretty good job as the shooter, but I don't think I possess the fine tuning skills to KNOW that I'm maximizing the potential of my rifle/ammo..

She never made it past the bedroom door, what was she aiming for...?
She's gone shootin..