What Poot is saying is that if the risk of dying from carrying cold outweighs the risk of dying from carrying hot, it probably makes sense to carry hot.

Exactly what I was getting at.I am surprised that you caught on. grin

So have you decided what the definition of an AD is yet?Since you avoided responding to my other post,perhaps I will repost it here so you can point out why you feel that my definition of an AD is incorrect.

The definition of accidental discharge is when the gun fires accidentally.If the round goes off as you chamber a round but before you intentionally pull the trigger,the discharge is accidental.Unless of course you intended for the gun to fire as you chambered the round with your finger off of the trigger.If the gun fires as you move the safety to the "fire" position,without intentionally pulling the trigger,it is an accidental discharge.Unless of course you intended for the gun to fire as you moved the safety with your finger off of the trigger.

I don't know about you,but myself and probably every other person on this forum do not intend for the gun to fire until we intentionally pull the trigger.Given that,any time the gun discharges without an intentional pull of the trigger,an accidental discharge has occurred.Where the gun is aimed,and whether or not someone was injured does not change the definition of accidental discharge.
As has been stated many times on this and other threads,guns are mechanical,and nothing mechanical can ever be trusted 100%.Therefore while careful gun handling can prevent an AD from causing any harm,the only way to COMPLETELY ELIMINATE any chance of an AD,is to NEVER place a round in the chamber.