Originally Posted by wildswalker
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Originally Posted by VAnimrod
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
{any of his verbage will suffice}

Originally Posted by wildswalker
You don't get it.....



Funny how when confronted by rational and effective disagreement

ONLY in your limited cerebral function is it possible to make that "reasoning".....we can clearly see what led you to that Obama vote.

You still don't, and likely never will...get it.

Can't blame us tho' for your shortcomings, you've been led to water sooooo many times, on soooo many things.

Actually, wildswalker, I thought your posts on this subject in the last couple days were excellent. Well thought out, and well said. This is the epitome of a debateable topic. There's truth on both sides. Don't think there's any reason for me to insult you, nor for you to insult me.

You call it being led to water, but I call it reasonable men disagreeing. I simply don't agree that "hot" hunters should stay out of the woods. Nor do I agree that a .223 is the equal of say a 30-06 as a general-purpose deer rifle... etc. See, you and your friends are not RIGHT on those issues; so why would I let myself be led to that water? What happens, though, is that when someone disagrees with you guys, you take it very personally.

While searching back for when I totaled up the percentage of who hunts how, I read some stuff from in the middle of this thread. There's some good, reasonable, debate happening there. I suggest we move back in that direction, but, it's not really up to me.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two