As stated on the other pages, I have always carried hot. Has it made a difference in getting game? I doubt it. Although where I hunt there isn't much room for moving around because when you come upon a deer, bear what have you, it's usually within 50 yards. I'm betting that cycling an action to load my rifle be it a bolt or single shot the animal would be spooked and I would be empty handed. Thats just how it is where I hunt. If I were out west or somewhere else where the shots were a little longer and I had the room to move around a bit I might have a cold chamber. In fact I'm going to give it a try this year and see how it works out. Beef isn't that expensive if I get skunked. I will side with steelhead on his point in rough terrain. I have never spent time in Alaska however, I did two years pounding the jungle in Panama. In rough terrain where the ground can disappear from underneath you in a big hurry I would definitely go with a cold chamber.

Keep your powder dry and stay frosty my friends.