True enough. And a great observation for a thread about sheep herding.

Of course, the question is, can good gun handlers hunt safely in the woods with a round in the chamber. Call us sheep or whatever you like, but do glance up at the scoreboard from time to time and realize that a whole bunch of ethical, serious, safe hunters disagree with you- and really don't like being told we are fools, or don't belong in the woods, or some of the other things that are buried... oh... 20 or 30 pages back in this pig of a thread!


That's all it boils down to for me Steelhead. There is absolutely nothing wrong with hunting cold- but if it is safer, which has been contested by myself and many many others, it's by a meaningless margin and it ain't worth putting down your fellow hunters over. In my opinion.


The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two