Originally Posted by Calvin
I'm soooo pussified... You nailed it Jeff! You get that buck on private land again? Do they have shooting hours in Oregon? I'd say that if it's too dark to take a good picture on a neck shot buck at 25ft, then it's too dark to discharge a weapon. But that's just me being a giant vagina and all..

I won't contest your "giant vagina" status; if you say so, I believe you. smile

I don't carry a camera. I use my cell phone camera. It has no flash.

It was about 5 minutes before the end of legal light (1/2 hour after sunset). It was, indeed, dark. Not too dark for someone to shoot who has a good scope, has been sitting there over an hour sussing out the situation, has a buck in spear distance, and is basically shooting into a hillside.

I see that you aren't contesting that it was not a shot that could have been made "cold"; you are choosing to just bust balls in every other way you can think of. Duly noted, but it don't win you any debate points.

Wildswalker... how many tags do you get, and if you hunt reasonably hard, how many will you fill, on average?

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two