Originally Posted by Royce
Here's what I enjoy- learning things that make my life better-Read lots of Steelhead's posts about carrying cold- Now I carry cold A LOT more- I liked learning that
Trouble with changing one's mind is that it's a admission that one wasn't born knowing everything everything,but, what the hell


wink I agree. Eating crow beats starving just as waking up smarting beats not waking up at all. As Steelhead just said, I think most folks who come around to carrying largely cold have done so only through simple luck, fate, or the grace of God - they weren't born to operate so safely (we're guys for Pete's sake!)

I'm thinking if one can find it possible to learn these things even "between Flippant and Glib", then it should be possible for just about anyone - even me. grin

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.